SOL'S SHIFT; UNISEX WATER REPELLENT WINDBREAKER; 100% polyester Polyester 210T; Zip opening; Collar containing a hood; Drawcord at hood and at bottom; Elasticated cuffs; 2 zip pockets.About sizes matching, please refer to the size chart in the product documentation section.
Width: | 0.00 cm |
volume: | 1.833 cdm3 |
Net Weight: | 0.217 kg |
Net Weight: | 0.165 kg |
Minimum quantity: | 15 |
Height: | 0.23 m |
Width: | 0.4 m |
Length: | 0.6 m |
volume: | 0.055 m3 |
Net Weight: | 6.5 kg |
Product code: | 6202 4010 |
Country of origin: | Bangladesh |