Did you know that 3rd of July is International Plastic Bag Free Day?
At Wapi we think every day should be a day without plastic bags. That’s why we have the ideal promotional gift solutions to get you out of plastic and onto a more sustainable path.
If you are not yet familiar with RPET, also known as recycled polyester, we will tell you about this material that has changed the end of life of single-use plastics, reducing pollution and waste.
Some facts about RPET:
– It’s a strong, non-shrinking and lightweight material;
– It is waterproof and non-fading;
– Uses 90% less water compared to normal polyester;
– 70% less energy is required in its production compared to virgin fibre;
– 450g of RPET prevents 30 bottles of plastic from ending up in landfill.
One of the situations in which we consume a large number of disposable plastic bags is, for example, when shopping at the supermarket.
So one small step that can make all the difference in reducing plastic waste is to buy reusable bags.
Most people are already used to carrying reusable shopping bags when they go to the supermarket, by offering your customers RPET shopping bags, you are helping the environment as well as indirectly promoting your company through your customers.
Here are some options of RPET shopping bags:
– WP2392 – Large 600D RPET Shopping Bag – Fama
– WP2331 – 270 Gr/m² Canvas Shopping Bag – Rassa
– WP1731 – Multi-Purpose 100g RPET Tote Bag
An increasingly sought after product that goes along with this theme, are the mesh bags for fruit and vegetables. In our catalogue we have some options in RPET and cotton that will help you in the transition from disposable plastic.
Companies that sell promotional gifts are unanimous in their opinion: customers are increasingly aware of environmental issues and are directing their marketing efforts toward eco-friendly promotional items. This investment seems to provide a guaranteed return, as modern consumers prefer to support environmentally responsible companies committed to preserving the environment and the well-being of future generations. Therefore, it’s time to be more conscious about the environment and choose customized eco-friendly gifts made from sustainable materials to promote your brand and showcase your company’s values to your audience.